If a theory passes an experimental test, it is ( 1 ) a sense corroborated, but (1)it can never be confirmed or roved ultimately 'true' for no amount of observation or experiment can establish the truth of a thee with absolute certainty. There is always the ( 2 ) that one day a crack will be found in the edifice of the theory. If the theory fails the ( 3 ), however, it faces a much harder challenge. Sometimes the ( 4 ) can be shown to be faulty, either in execution or ( 5 ). Even so, a single, well-designed experiment Can be ( 6 ) to dismiss a theory outright. As Einstein supposedly once ( 7 ) it: “No amount of experimentation can ever prove me $\fbox{*}$; a single experiment can prove me $\fbox{*}$.” This notion led the Viennese philosopher of science Karl Popper ( 8 ) the concept of 'falsifiability' as the defining characteristic of true ( 9 ): a theory is scientific ( 10 ) if it can ― at least in principle ― make predictions that can be shown to be false.
(出典 Jheni Osman. 100. Ideas That Changed the World. BBC Books, 2011.)-
- corroborated,裏付けられる;
- edifice,体系;
- execution,実施;
- outright,完全に;
- falsifiability,反証可能性
- 問1. 下線部(1)を日本語に訳しなさい。
- 問2. 文中の$\fbox{*}$に当てはまる正しい順番の語の組み合わせを下から一つ選び、記号で答えなさい。
- (1) right, right
- (2) right, wrong
- (3) wrong, right
- (4) wrong, wrong ]
- 問3. 文中の空所(1)~(10)に入る適語を、重複しないように下の(ア)~(コ)から選び、記号で答えなさい。
- (ア) design
- (イ) enough
- (ウ) experiment
- (エ) in
- (オ) only
- (カ) possibility
- (キ) put
- (ク) science
- (ケ) test
- (コ) to ]