
1~5について、下線部(1) ~(4) に誤りがある場合は、その記号を選びなさい。 また、誤りがない場合は、解答欄の(5)にマークしなさい。
  1. Further research (1)on the development of (2)a valid measurement instrument for emotional intelligence will be (3)of equal (4)important.
  2. He (1)has drawn the world's attention to the danger of global warming with his documentary (2)on climate change (3)entitled An Inconvenient Truth, which won the Oscar for the best documentary (4)films of 2006.
  3. No matter (1)what abundant natural resources may (2)seem, they are limited and (3)bound to be exhausted, so why don't we utilize them (4)sensibly?
  4. I have two infants (1)to look after. I change their diapers and wipe off (2)spilled food all day long, day after day. It's so (3)tired that you need (4)infinite patience.
  5. “It was thoughtful (1)of you to send me the money. You (2)saved my life I'm much obliged”“Don't mention (3)it. It was (4)the least I could do.”