
問16~問23について、次の英文の空所( 16 )~( 23 )に入れるべき最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つずつ選びなさい。

An ancient Chinese legend says that there was once a village famous for the longevity of its residents. The villagers had a song about their secret for longevity, which went something like this: If you want to live a long life, drink broth made from ginger after getting up in the morning, and drink the broth of a Japanese radish before going to sleep at night. Practice moderation in eating meat and fish, eat a lot of vegetables, keep early hours, and go out for a good long walk and get plenty of exercise every day.

The villagers put the ideas of the song into practice. Why did they recommend a Japanese radish at night and ginger in the morning? After going to bed, there is no need to keep the stomach in action; the easily ( 16 ) Japanese radish lightens the burden on the stomach. In the morning, one needs enough energy to start the day; ginger moderately warms and stimulates the stomach, increasing the appetite and promoting good digestion and absorption of nutrients. Ancient Chinese people instinctually knew the ( 17 ) of these two vegetables - without the benefit of scientific evidence.

In traditional Chinese medicine, ginger is considered the best home remedy for colds. We Japanese also have a long-established custom of drinking hot ginger juice when we have a cold. In fact, we make ( 18 ) of many vegetables and plants as folk remedies for improving our health. But because such usage is based ( 19 ) tradition, the safety and effectiveness of these natural remedies have not always been proven. However, in recent years, interest in the effectiveness of natural foods and herbal medicines has ( 20 ), leading to greater scientific attention to the ( 21 )use of plants. Studies from around the world now show that plants are useful for treating disease and improving health, often without any significant side effects.

These days, media attention to particular foods or food groups has led to the belief that eating them can prevent or cure specific diseases or conditions. Because their advantages are often exaggerated, some see them as health “miracles.” But if these “fad” diets are nutritionally unbalanced and unconfirmed by scientific studies, they may have the opposite of the ( 22 ) effects.

Longevity, health, happiness. A nutrient-rich diet can help us ( 23 ) these benefits, giving us increased energy and stronger bodies and immune systems. Why not take the ancient Chinese song as inspiration and try a healthful diet, relaxation, and exercise?

  • (1) digestible
  • (2) available
  • (3) cooperative
  • (4) coordinative
  • (1) benefit
  • (2) demerit
  • (3) harm
  • (4) charity
  • (1) a mess
  • (2) a choice
  • (3) fun
  • (4) use
  • (1) for
  • (2) on
  • (3) to
  • (4) with
  • (1) increased
  • (2) decreased
  • (3) changed
  • (4) inspired
  • (1) medicinal
  • (2) commercial
  • (3) physical
  • (4) mental
  • (1) disregarded
  • (2) intended
  • (3) fallen
  • (4) changed
  • (1) cast
  • (2) wrap
  • (3) attain
  • (4) lose