

We all need to feel useful to others. It's an indispensable nourishment for the soul. When this need isn't satisfied it leads to pain (24)that is all the more searing if death is near. A large part of what is called the fear of death comes from a fear that our life hasn't had any meaning, that we have lived ( 25 ), that our existence hasn't made any difference to anyone or anything. [A]

One day I was called in to see Joe, a young man covered with tattoos who had a long history of alcoholism, drugs and violence. He'd become unhinged when he was told he had brain cancer and had started to break everything in his room. The terrified nurses wouldn't go near him. He seemed like (26)a caged lion when I introduced myself to him as a psychiatrist. But he agreed to talk to me. I sat down next to him and said, “I've heard (27)the news that you’ve just been given. I know you are very upset. I imagine that it can be quite frightening.” He launched into a long diatribe, but after twenty minutes he started to cry. His father was an alcoholic, his mother withdrawn and emotionally absent. He had no friends and his fellow barflies were surely going to (28)turn their backs on him. He was lost. I said, “I don't know what I'm going to be able to do for you. But I can promise to see you every week as long as (29)that helps” [B]

During those meetings I didn't have much to say, but I listened. He had worked a bit as an electrician. For years he hadn't held down a job and had lived on welfare. He wasn't speaking to his parents. He spent his days watching TV. He was terribly alone. It soon became clear that (30)(was / what / intolerable / death / made / his)the fact that he hadn't done anything with his life. I asked if, in the time remaining to him, he could do something that would be useful to someone. He had never thought about lt. He considered it for a while. Then he answered, “There's a church in my neighborhood. I think I could do something for them. They need an air-conditioning system. I know how to do that” I encouraged him to go and see the minister, who was delighted with the offer.

Joe got up every morning to go to his rooftop job installing air conditioning for the church. His work moved slowly. Because of his large brain tumor he had trouble concentrating. But there wasn't any hurry. The parishioners got used to seeing him up there on their roof. They spoke to him, brought him a sandwich and coffee at lunchtime. He was tearful when he talked about lt. For the first time in his life he was doing something that really ( 31 ) others. He turned into a different person and never again exploded in anger. In reality, underneath his rough appearance he had a big heart. [C]

One day, Joe couldn't go to work. His oncologist doctor called me to say that he was in the hospital, the end was near and he was going into hospice care. I went to his room in the hospital and found it flooded with sunshine. He lay there very calmly, almost asleep. They had removed all his intravenous drips. I sat down on his bed to say goodbye and he opened his eyes. He tried to speak to me but he didn't have the strength. Lifting a weak hand, he signaled for me to come closer. I brought my ear right next to his lips and heard him murmur, (32)“God bless you for saving my life.”

I still carry with me the lesson he taught me: on the threshold of death, one can still save one's life. That gave me enough confidence to take on the task I had to carryout for myself, to be ready when the time came. In a certain way, Joe too saved my life. [D]

  • searing 耐えがたい
  • unhinged 錯乱した
  • diatribe 痛烈な非難
  • barfly 飲み仲間
  • parishioner 小教区民
  • oncologist 腫瘍学者
  • intravenous 静脈注射の
問24 下線部(24)と文法的に同じ使い方のthat を含む文を(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  • (1) That the earth is round is true.
  • (2) I have the idea that he is still living somewhere.
  • (3) The man that came in your absence yesterday is now at the door.
  • (4) The dog that you keep often barks at strangers.
問25 空所( 25 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  1. (1) happily
  2. (2) successfully
  3. (3) without cause
  4. (4) in vain
問26 下線部(26)の意味として最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  • (1) a person who cannot do anything
  • (2) a person whose face is quite similar to that of a lion
  • (3) a person who can eat anything quickly
  • (4) a person who is arrogant and short-tempered
問27 下線部(27)とほぼ同じ意味をあらわす英文を(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  • (1) the news that his life hasn't had any meaning
  • (2) the news that his existence hasn't made any difference to anyone
  • (3) the news that he has along history of drugs
  • (4) the news that he has brain cancer
問28 下線部(28)とほぼ同じ意味をあらわす語を(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  1. (1) desert
  2. (2) respect
  3. (3) strike
  4. (4) burn
問29 下線部(29)の意味として最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  • (1) the writer's advice
  • (2) the writer's visit
  • (3) the writer's talk
  • (4) the writer's prayer
問30 下線部(30)の語を並べかえて意味の通る文にする場合に5番目に来る語を(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  1. (1) what
  2. (2) was
  3. (3) intolerable
  4. (4) death
問31 空所( 31 )に入れるのに最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  1. (1) disappointed
  2. (2) gave away
  3. (3) experienced
  4. (4) mattered to
問32 下線部(32)とほぼ同じ意味をあらわす英文を(1)~(4)の中から 1 つ選びなさい。.
  • (1) I am sorry to leave you without saying goodbye.
  • (2) I am happy to meet you in my room.
  • (3) I regret never doing anything useful in society.
  • (4) I really appreciate your helping me.
問33 本文中の[A]~[D]のいずれかに, 英文He calmed down and came to see me every week for six months until he diedを入れるのに最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つ選びなさい。
  1. (1) [A]
  2. (2) [B]
  3. (3) [C]
  4. (4) [D]
問34~問37について, 本文の内容に一致する最も適切なものを(1)~(4)の中から1つずつ選びなさい。
問34 How did Joe receive his reality just after he knew his physical condition?
  • (1) He ignored it.
  • (2) He regretted it.
  • (3) He was overwhelmed by it.
  • (4) He was ready for lt.
問35 What was his previous life?
  • (1) He had lived happily with his parents
  • (2) He had led a lonesome life.
  • (3) He had earned his living by himself.
  • (4) He had got into a good company.
問36 What does the second to the last line, 'when the time came', mean?
  • (1) the writer's death
  • (2) Joe's death
  • (3) a man's death
  • (4) none of the above
問37 Why did the writer think, 'Joe too saved my life'in the last line?
  • (1) Because he thought that Joe died without pain.
  • (2) Because he felt that he was given consolation from Joe's words
  • (3) Because he could believe that Joe prayed for him.
  • (4) Because he could come to know the meaning of his career.