
(           )に最も適する語句を選べ。
  • 問21. (   $\fbox{21}$   ) than the familiar 'thumbs up'. There is no doubt in people's mind as to its origin. Everyone agrees that it hails from the days of gladiator combat in ancient Rome. If a defeated gladiator had fought well, he could be spared by a thumbs up gesture. If he had fought badly, he could be slain by a thumbs down. From this use of the two thumb signals came our modem usage, with the thumbs up meaning ‘all's well - O.K’ and the thumbs down meaning 'no good - failure'.
    • (1) Many hands involve a funnier story
    • (2) Few gestures have a stranger history
    • (3) No fighting technique has a more interesting tool
    • (4) Human fingers are more important
  • 問22. Canaries are especially sensitive to methane and carbon monoxide, which made them ideal for detecting any dangerous gas build-ups in coalmines. As long as the bird k1ept singing, the miners knew thou-air supply was safe. A dead canary signaled an immediate evacuation. Today, the practice of using a bird to test the air supply has become part of coal mining history, but the ideology behind it has become a popular expression. The phrase living like a canary in a coal mine often refers to (   $\fbox{22}$   ).
    • (1) serving as a warning to others
    • (2) signaling an immediate evacuation
    • (3) checking for gas build-ups in the mine
    • (4) thinking that the music is beautiful
  • 問23. The plot of the C. S. Lewis book, The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe, starts almost 900 years after the lion, Asian, has created the land. At this point in the story, the banished White Witch returns to Narnia and establishes her evil rule over the land. Four children from England-Peter, Susan, Edmund and Lucy - arrive through the wardrobe to find a land of endless winter. They meet up with several different talking creatures who have remained faithful followers of Asian and, apart from Edmund, journey (   $\fbox{23}$   ) against the Witch and her army. As a result of Edmund's greed and trust in the White Witch, the death of Asian is required to set things right in the land of Narnia.
    • (1) to the land of Narnia
    • (2) to take away from Aslan to fight
    • (3) to the battle of Aslan
    • (4) to join up with Aslan to battle
  • 問24. We've all heard about a 'runner's high, 'but there are plenty of other ways to achieve that feeling. Dance. Play a sport. Work out as hard as you can. Take a walk so your stress will take a hike. Moving your body releases endorphins, the essential feel-good chemicals found in your brain. How endorphin release (   $\fbox{24}$   ) is somewhat of a controversial science because researchers don’t know if it is caused by the positive emotion felt upon meeting a physical challenge or from the exertion itself.
    • (1) feels good in your body
    • (2) is triggered by exercise
    • (3) moves your body
    • (4) is caused by a ‘runner's high’
  • 問25. How much water should you drink each day? It's a simple question with no easy answers. Studies have produced varying recommendations over the years, but in truth, (   $\fbox{25}$   ), including your health, how active you are and where you live. Although no single formula fits everyone knowing more about your body's need for fluids will help you estimate how much water to drink each day.
    • (1) water intake involves simple formulas
    • (2) studies have not discovered people's medical condition
    • (3) daily activities are not considered
    • (4) your water needs depend on many factors