
  • $\fbox{11}$ Neither of my (1)parent was a (2)big reader (3)so we didn't have (4)that many books in the house.
  • $\fbox{12}$ After the TV crew (1)had waited for better weather for six weeks, it (2)had to retire (3)defeated, with its job not (4)done.
  • $\fbox{13}$ We (1)look forward to (2)her assuming a position of greater (3)important for environmental (4)concerns.
  • $\fbox{14}$ Over Greenland, there (1)seems to have (2)been more winds (3)blowing from south to north (4)rather than from west to east.
  • $\fbox{15}$ When sea level falls, the (1)oceans recede (2)from continents, (3)exposed vast areas of continental Shelf (4)to the atmosphere.