
英語による記述が指す1語となるように破線部を補充する時に入る文字を、 記述式解答用紙に書きなさい。(破線の数は文字数を表わす)
  • $\fbox{記述F}$ The long thin part of a plant, from which leaves, flowers, or fruit grow: s _ _ _.
  • $\fbox{記述G}$ Translate orally the words of another person speaking a different language: in _ _ _ _ _ _ t.
  • $\fbox{記述H}$ Break up soil in preparation for sowing or planting: c _ _ _ _ _ _ te.
  • $\fbox{記述I}$ Extreme tiredness, typically resulting from mental or physical exertion or illness: f _ _ _ _ _ e.
  • $\fbox{記述J}$ The study of the countries, oceans, rivers, mountains, cities etc. of the world: g _ _ _ _ _ _ hy.
  • $\fbox{記述K}$ A set of steps built for going from one level of a building to another: s _ _ _ _ s.