
次の(ア)~(コ)の各英文の下線部のうち, もっとも不適当と思われるものを(1)~(4)のうちから一つ選びなさい。
  • (ア) Terry stayed (1) in his cottage (2) all day (3) instead going (4) to work.
  • (イ) No doubt (1) will he (2) email us when he (3) leaves (4) the hospital.
  • (ウ) (1) Which lotus (2) is to India, (3) the (4) cherry tree is to Japan.
  • (エ) Skydivers jump (1) from an airplane and fall for (2) as long as they (3) safe can before opening (4) their parachutes.
  • (オ) There is (1) no other prefecture (1) where stations of Shinkansen are as (3) heavily concentrated as (4) Shizuoka.
  • (カ) This is one of the famous, (1) or you (2) could say (3) notorious scene in Tokyo. Look, (4) the station employee is pushing people into the train!
  • (キ) It is often said (1) that it is our differences (2) rather than our similarities that (3) makes the world (4) such an interesting place.
  • (ク) Languages are (1) considerably different from one another (2) in pronunciation, vocabulary and grammar - so (3) much so that a speaker of one language cannot always understand a speaker of (4) the other.
  • (ケ) Physician-patient communication is becoming (1) increasingly important (2) recently. The quality of the interactions (3) is important for treatment outcomes and patient satisfaction (4) with care.
  • (コ) (1) Upon any moment of (2) decision the best thing you can do is the right thing, the (3) next best thing is the wrong thing, and the worst thing you can do is (4) nothing.