
以下の英文(1~10)の(           )には、指定されたアルファベットで始まる英語一語が入る。
それぞれのHintにある語句を参考にして、(           )に入る最も自然で適切な一語を解答用紙に記入しなさい。

質問例A It's really (h _ _) and sunny.
(Hint: very warm)

解答例A h o t

質問例B He (l _ _ _) dogs more than cats.
(Hint: love, prefer)

解答例B l i k e s

  • 1 At first (g _ _ _ _ _), the patient seemed perfectly normal but after a few simple questions, it was clear that there was a problem.
    (Hint: short look, peek)
  • 2 Even though the treatment was very (p _ _ _ _ _ _), the patient made a full recovery.
    (Hint: sore, ache)
  • 3 Great teachers can (e _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) their students to become great themselves.
    (Hint: stimulate, motivate)
  • 4 He was a 4-year-old boy, who (d _ _ _ _ _ _) last summer while boating on a river with his family.
    (Hint: death, water, lungs)
  • 5 Nurses at this hospital are (d _ _ _ _ _ _) to upholding the very best health care standards for all their patients.
    (Hint: commitment, enthusiasm, promise)
  • 6 The front page (h _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _) in all the newspapers on the following day were about the revolutionary discovery Dr Sate and his team made.
    (Hint: title, heading)
  • 7 The patient (g _ _ _ _) lovingly into the eyes of his doctor. By doing so, he made her feel very uncomfortable.
    (Hint: long look, stare)
  • 8 The patient's (c _ _ _ _) complaint was a high fever with a cough.
    (Hint: main, primary)
  • 9 The patient was (f _ _ _ _) to have a very large tumor inside his brain.
    (Hint: discover, see, detect)
  • 10 The surgeon removed an (e _ _ _ _ _ _ _) tumor from the patient's abdominal area.
    (Hint: massive, huge, very big)