
以下の英文(1~10)の( )には、指定されたアルファベットで始まる英語一語が入る。それぞれのHintにある語句を参考にして、( )に入る最も自然で適切な一語を解答用紙に記入しなさい。
  • 質問例A
    • It's really ( h _ _ ) and sunny warm.
    • (Hint: very warm)
  • 解答例A
    • h o t
    • 質問例B
      • He ( l _ _ _ _ )dogs more than cats.
      • (Hint: love, prefer)
    • 解答例B
      • l i k e s
    • 1 The surgeons were working hard ( a _ _ _ _ _ _ ) the clock to try to save the patient.
      • (Hint: versus, counter, opposed to)
    • 2 Don't forget to ( r _ _ _ _ _ ) the label before using it.
      • (Hint: eliminate, take off)
    • 3 Drinking alcohol can negatively ( a _ _ _ _ _ ) your senses.
      • (Hint: influence, impact, change)
    • 4 That patient ( m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) 167cm tall the last time he came in for a checkup.
      • (Hint: calculate)
    • 5 It's very important to ask questions so that there aren't any ( m _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) .
      • (Hint: confusion, mistake, misinterpretation)
    • 6 Dr Sate is a ( s _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) in her field and she is very well respected in the global medical community for her amazing work.
      • (Hint: expert, professional)
    • 7 It is very important to continue ( o _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ) h ospitalized patients even when they seem to be fine.
      • (Hint: watch, look at)
    • 8 Even though she took aspirin, it did nothing to ( r _ _ _ _ _ _ ) her headache.
      • (Hint: lighten, lessen, reduce)
    • 9 The representative worked hard to ( p _ _ _ _ _ _ ) his medicine to the doctors but they were not interested.
      • (Hint: endorse, encourage)
    • 10 Doctors must have the ( a _ _ _ _ _ _ ) to stay relaxed under pressure.
      • (Hint: talent, skill)