
A teacher of Engiish (A) is speaking to a student (B).

A: I hear you've signed up to take part in a volunteer program in Thailand this summer.

B: Yes, that's right. (1)3日後にバンコク*に向けて出発します。

A: So soon? You must be excited!

B: Yes, I am. (2)でも出発の準備で本当に忙しいです。 To be honest, I'm also a bit nervous, because I've never been abroad before.

A: Don't worry too much. You'll be fine, as long as you're careful.

B: Actually, Mr. Campbell, there's something I meant to ask you earlier. (3)あさってのクラブの会合を欠席させていただけますか。

A: Well, we'll miss you, but I think everyone will understand.

  • *バンコク: Bangkok