
  • Alzheimer's disease:アルツハイマー病
  • dementia:痴呆

In November of 1994, Ronald Reagan wrote a letter to the American people. He was probably the most famous person suffering from Alzheimer's disease. In his letter, America's 40th president described the fears and difficulties presented by Alzheimer's.

Alzheimer's disease is the most common form of a disability or mental sickness called dementia. Dementia is the loss of thinking ability that is severe enough to interfere with daily activities. Some forms of dementia can be cured or corrected. This is especially true if they are $\fbox{24}$ by drugs, alcohol, infection, sight or hearing problems, heart or lung problems, or head injury. Other forms of dementia can be corrected by $\fbox{25}$ of hormones or vitamins in the body. However, in victims of Alzheimer's disease, brain cells die and are not $\fbox{26}$.

Probably the most common early sign of Alzheimer's disease is short-term memory loss. Another sign is difficulty in $\fbox{27}$, such as what to do if food on a stove is burning. Later, victims struggle to $\fbox{28}$ to express thoughts or understand what is being discussed. Finally, they may easily become angry and lose their ability to $\fbox{29}$.

Alzheimer's is $\fbox{30}$ an old people's disease. It normally affects people over sixty-five years old. However, a few rare cases have been discovered in people younger than forty. It attacks people of all races equally.

In his book The Notebook, Nicholas Sparks calls Alzheimer's disease "a barren disease, as empty and lifeless as a desert. It is a thief of hearts and souls and memories" British writer Iris Murdoch, who died of Alzheimer's disease, said it was a dark and terrible place.

Irene, also a writer, refused to $\fbox{31}$. She wrote in a letter, "We know that negative emotions can $\fbox{32}$, and a strong will to live may well strengthen the body's defense system. So, it seems wise to not spend time looking into the future, but to $\fbox{33}$ each day as it comes." At the end of her letter, Irene wrote about caregivers. She said she greatly honors those who take care of Alzheimer's patients, because that job is so very hard. Irene shared something in common with Mr. Reagan. In their letters, they each expressed hope, a desire to $\fbox{34}$ as they had in the past, and concern for those who must care for them.

Still, there is nothing yet that can stop the disease or ease the pain of those caring for victims of Alzheimer's. But researchers are working to $\fbox{35}$ and to cure or prevent it.

Nature and Science[青踏社]より)[一部改変]
  • (1) allowing them to stay in hospital
  • (2) be harmful to health
  • (3) caused
  • (4) changing levels
  • (5) considered
  • (6) continue their lives
  • (7) explained
  • (8) find the right words
  • (9) find ways to treat the disease
  • (10) get the most from
  • (11) need to resume a normal life
  • (12) prescribe drugs
  • (13) replaced
  • (14) solving easy problems
  • (15) surrender to that opinion
  • (16) trust others